Opera for Beginners (Shows that will turn anyone into an opera fan)

Since my first post was about how exactly I became an opera fan, I thought it might be nice to post about operas that are both incredible and also easy to watch for people who are just getting started.

So here are just a few operas I would recommend to beginners:

Ballad of Baby Doe: This opera is a great place to start because it is in English, so it’s easy to understand. The show is also on the more modern end of opera because it was written in the 20th century, meaning that the plot is a bit more relatable then something from the romantic or classical era. This show pairs the scandal of a cheating husband who is won over by a young woman with a heart of gold, with music that will give you goosebumps from beginning to end.

Candide: This operetta is also in English and from the 20th century, making it fairly easy to understand as well. The story is about two lovers Candide and Cunegonde are torn apart by war on the day of their wedding. This operetta has light hearted and down right funny scenes that will grab your attention, and then more serious pieces to keep your attention focussed on the characters.

La Cenerentola: There are two major reasons to watch this opera if you’re new to this artform. First off, you should watch this opera because it is based off of the story of Cinderella, making it easy for just about everyone to understand and enjoy. Second of all, Rossini uses the human voice to its fullest potential, so if you want to see why opera singers are considered super human, watch this or any other Rossini opera.

Carmen: The main reason why I chose this opera is because it was the first opera I ever saw. This show has it all: love, betrayal, murder, Spanish dancing and some of the most famous melodies ever written. The plot may be a little hard to focus on and the fact that it is in French doesn’t help, but if you sit down and take the time to watch this masterpiece all the way through, you will not be disappointed.